1·If having question can let the Canadian friend come to check and approve.
2·Contact packing supplier to come to workshop for packing equipments, check and approve the packing quality and quantity.
3·Most of the ads I've seen invite me to check out lonely college girls and my wife doesn't approve of me doing that.
4·Actually, it is the process for the writer to check, revise, perfect and approve the manuscript with the art of composition after drafting it, i. e. the modern sense of modification and recreation.
5·In Philadelphia, customers can eat Apple Jacks and stretch out on a couch (Mom might not approve, but it "s OK here), watch cartoons on a flat-screen TV or check their email via free Wi-Fi access."
在费城,顾客们可以一边品尝Apple Jacks,一边躺在睡椅上舒展筋骨,(老妈可能不赞成这样做,但在这里没关系),还能打开平面电视看卡通片,或通过高速无线网络接口免费收邮件。